ARE WORMS GOOD FOR THE GARDEN? Why You Should Create a Worm-Friendly Garden


Are Worms Good For Your Garden? 

YES! Worms can be very beneficial to your garden. Nutrient-dense, rich garden soil is crucial to a successful vegetable garden. Healthy soil may include plenty of underground animal & plant activity, such as earthworms and fungi. Worms effortlessly increase the quality of your soil and are attracted to decaying matter while they consume bacteria and nematodes. They also excrete worm castings, which is gardener’s GOLD, or basically one of the best soil amendments you’ll find! Worm castings are rich in nutrients and minerals such as nitrogen, phosphates, and potassium. Overall, worms play an important part in soil construction and the recycling of organic waste.

Which Worms Are Best For Your Garden?

Red Wiggler Worms are often the most sought-after by seasoned gardeners. Although nightcrawler worms can be used, red wigglers are generally agreed upon as being the most effective when processing organic scraps.


How Can I Attract Worms Into My Garden?

Red Wiggler Worms LOVE eating organic scraps! They usually won’t be found more than a foot or so deep beneath the soil. Look for them as they burrow within compost heaps, animal manure, or piles of leaves. You can also try sourcing them through a local worm farm shop, bait shop or garden center.


How to Build a Worm Tower from a 5-Gallon bucket!

“A real handy and functional item to have in your garden is a worm tower. Not only are the worms fertilizing your soil, but you have a handy “compost garbage” bin at your fingertips. It very easy and inexpensive to make. A bucket, drill with bit and a shovel, that’s it.” – The Abled Gardener

How To Use Worm Castings In Your Garden“Using worm castings in your garden provides your soil and plants powerful, organic nutrients that help your garden be healthy and productive. In this video, we’ll share what worm castings are, why they are so powerful, and how to use them to feed your garden.” – CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIYCLICK HERE TO ORDER LIVE WORMS ONLINE

ARE WORMS GOOD FOR THE GARDEN? Why You Should Create a Worm-Friendly Garden published first on

Author: Mary Bromley

I am an herb garden enthusiast and author. I have spent much of my time on writing & teaching others about herbs and the wonders of gardening. I enjoy writing articles about my garden. I have been maintaining a great garden of my own that attracts the attention of various household magazines and television channels. I am also a member of the Institute of Horticulture and Association of Professional Landscape Designers. I have an own Herb Gardening Site, a resource of herb garden information for enthusiasts. Now I am sharing my gardening tips and gardening advice on the Internet with the hope that more people will be able to have their own blooming garden. I hope they'll be useful. Enjoy!

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